After sorting out the many last minute details Neil, Sue and Bumble made their final departure from London in the dead of Wednesday night, 10/11 May, bound for Morocco and their first rendez-vous there on Tuesday 16 May.
They made a stop over in the Gascony region of France to re pack the vehicle and check over the stores for the journey ahead and were seen off from this ‘base camp’ by the President of the Gers Handicap Association, the Mayor of St Justin and most of the village as it just happened to be the local ‘fete du village’.
They were last sighted on Sunday afternoon in the French Pyrenees just short of the Col de Somport and Spain by some of their local sponsors, David and Charlotte Burton-Evans, the Chaplain of the Anglican Church of St Andrews, Pau and his wife. Neil is having some problems with the laptop but, once these are resolved, there will be in more regular updates.
Neil Lawson – expedition team